First Trip to Zwolle

Sunday, January 22, 2006

First of all, I'd like to thank everbody who commented on this blog so far. I feel cool, even if I'm not.

So yesterday, a few of us hopped on our nice, black, one-speed bicycles to take the trip over the big old windy bridge from Hattem to Zwolle. Our destination: the Peperbus, or "Pepper-shaker." Apparently, it was named after some guy that was named Peper or something, but also it looks like a giant pepper shaker. The Peperbus is this old church that was built in "Old Zwolle" in the 1300's. Try to think of anything in the United States that was built in the 1300's. I bet you are having troubles. What's "Old Zwolle?" I'm glad you asked. Back in the day - where "back in the day" reads as "I don't know when" - Zwolle was a town in the middle ages - I guess that answers when - and it needed to defend itself. So, it built walls around the city, and a moat. So, in present day Zwolle, there is a part of the city in the center that is surrounded by water, which is old Zwolle. It's a nice place... looks very historic.

Anyway, so I think the point I was making is that the Peperbus is in Old Zwolle. So, after the Peperbus, we went to the only remaining of three towers that were built on the wall. The place was called "Sussenpoort," which apparently means the gate where the Sussens (I don't know who they are, but they come from the south) might attack from. And, I'm pretty sure "poort" means "gate," hence "Sussenpoort." It wasn't as cool as the old church, but it was still alright.

Then we went to some Irish pub. It's crazy that the organizer took us to a pub, and bought beer for the people that requested it. Crazy stuff.

After that, we rode home in the cold drizzle in the rain. I have the feeling this will be common.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sound like you are learning alot of history already!!

5:40 PM  
Blogger Chad said...

Sally O'Briens is the name of the Irish Pub....Bryan, Promise me youll go there on St. Patricks day.

12:04 AM  
Blogger E Dagger said...

Bryan!! I am happy that you made it safely and I just wanted you to know that I miss you like crazy. Enjoy the studying abroad.

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm jealous. I get excited about something built in 1880; I can't imagine what would happen if i saw something from 1300. I would probly cry. Sounds amazing. I can't wait to see pictures.

11:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take Chad's advice and make sure you go to Sally O'Briens on St.Patty's Day! We got free stuff!! haha. Well it sounds like you are having a good time already! Keep us updated on what's going on! Oh ya, and how are the classes for you...have you taken a feild trip for Culture and Society yet..they are the greatest!

11:36 PM  
Blogger darin said...

Drat! Apparently European adventure has ceased for a few days! (Like I should talk...)

9:09 AM  

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