Terschelling, Netherlands: Class Excursion to a Dutch Island
Monday, April 10, 2006

So here it is: my account of Terschelling.
We, as a whole N-Spice group, all twenty of us, took a train past Leeuwarden and hopped on a boat to one of the Dutch Islands called Terschelling. We arrived on Friday mid-morning, and we had the afternoon to do whatever we wanted. Dustin and I wondered off in search of adventure, and found it in the form of a large natural trail that eventually ended up at a string of large sand dunes. After hour upon hour of fighting our ways through thistlebushes and fording small rivers, we arrived at the sand dunes that lined the coast. It was quite the sight.
Friday night we were given the okay to build a fire on the beach. It was quite a night. We roasted marshmallows, tackled people, played freeze-tag, and told stories. On the way home, Aloisa, the program director, had something go wrong on her bike, so she had to ride on Dustin's and my tandem bike. Three people on one bike, now that is an adventure!

Saturday afternoon we could once again do whatever we pleased. A group of us went to some Cranberry Wine store where we could taste the wine, and of course buy it. I wasn't too impressed, so I came back empty handed. The next place we went was a cheese store where the owners made their own cheese. The lady was a bit unfriendly in my opinion, so I easily justified my "Dutch" urge to not buy anything.
Sunday after our ad hoc church service, I spent my day like at least one day of every good vacation should be spent: doing absolutely nothing. I read a little bit, I napped a little bit, I meandered around and talked to people a little bit, and it was a wonderful afternoon. We tried to have another camp fire Sunday evening, but the wind was blowing hard and all of the fire wood was damp, so the fire never grew very large, which made a very cold excursion. We eventually gave up and settled for the heat of the hostel.
And Monday we trekked home.
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