Going to Extremes
Sunday, March 19, 2006
So I was in London this weekend, but that has little bearing on this blog entry. Well, since I've been in Europe, I haven't found a suitable haircutter (nor have I looked), so my hair had grown to be quite long. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the longest it has ever been (Extreme 1). I decided last week that I was going to try to shave it (#4 setting, if you care). My reasoning was simple: if it looks bad, it will grow back again by the time I set foot on United States soil again. So, I did it. And now, my hair is the shortest it has been since I started growing hair as a baby (Extreme 2).
I think before, during, and after pictures would be appropriate.

...and the Fraulein said,
"I'll pick bachelor #3; His eyes and hair are far less sinister than bachelors #1 and #2."
I think Stu and Deb would agree with me on this one so I'll say it, we think you should have kept the mohawk. We really think that you could pull it off and you would look so stinking cool. Just thought we'd let you know.
(and Stu and Deb without them knowing and without their consent)
Please follow Rachael's instructions, do a Delilah. I will bring you a bag of Reeses pieces if you do:) (I hear they are a very wanted commodity over there.)
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